Objective: To present a case of metastatic ameloblastoma in a patient
who has undergone repeated surgical resections, to discuss its
histogenesis, clinical features, distinctive diagnostic characteristics,
and management.
Results: A 51-year-old man diagnosed twice with ameloblastoma underwent
excision via segmental mandibulectomy 15 years prior to admission.
Recurrence of the mass necessitated another excision this time with TMJ
disarticulation 5 years prior to admission. He was apparently well until
3 years prior to admission when he noticed another mass growing at his
infra-auricular area. One month prior to admission, patient noticed
another separate mass growing on his ipsilateral neck area. Surgery was
done using Weber-Ferguson approach and histopathological results
revealed metastatic ameloblastoma. Upon the last examination 4 months
after admission, the patient remains tumor free without signs of
recurrence. |