¸ñÀû: To determine the prevalence of risks of obstructive sleep apnea
professional long-distance bus drivers in Iloilo City and its
correlation with excessive daytime sleepiness. ¹æ¹ý:Self-administered questionnaires such as Berlin Scale, STOP-BANG
questionnaire and Epworth Sleepiness Scale were given to 248
professional bus drivers of a commercial bus company in Iloilo
Study Participant Profile Data Collection Form was accomplished
an amalgamation of face-to-face interview, anthropometric
and physical examination. Inferential analysis was performed to
statistically significantly associated factors for risks of OSA
and EDS.
°á°ú:The professional bus drivers are predominately overweight or obese,
smokers, alcoholic drinkers, have large tongue, modified Mallamapati
grade of 3 or 4, and tonsil grade of 2. Average anthropometric
measurements of the respondents are either near or exceeding cut-off
points. High-risk in OSA and EDS are highly prevalent. ESS and risks
of OSA (based on Berlin Scale and STOP-BANG scale) have significantly
weak positive correlation. Risks of OSA (based on Berlin scale) is
significantly associated with BMI, comorbidity status, and type of
comorbidity. Risks of OSA (based on STOP-BANG Scale) is significantly
associated with age, years of driving experience, type of comorbidity
and tongue size. All anthropometric measurements are significantly
associated with risks of OSA and EDS. The professional bus drivers of
the commercial bus company in Iloilo City exhibit the following physical
findings suggestive of the presence of OSA: increased neck
circumference, modified Mallampati score of 3 or 4, BMI > 27.5, and
°á·Ð:This Study has shown a high prevalence of risks of OSA and EDS
and the
associated factors among commercial bus drivers in Iloilo
Province. It
has provided a community-based baseline information that warrants
additional quantitative examination and validation. |