¸ñÀû: 1. To compare the proportion of the appropriate position. 2. To compare the
satisfaction of the subjects and examiners with and without the use of the
CMU color-bar bedsheet during the Dix-Hallpike Test (DHT). ¹æ¹ý:This prospective study was conducted at Chiang Mai University (CMU)
Hospital with approval from the Research Ethics Committee. A five-color,
10-cm wide strip bedsheet was designed, with the first strip positioned
40 cm from the edge of the couch. Following trials of the bedsheet's use
by neurotology staff, subjects were recruited. They consisted of healthy
adult volunteers with no contraindications for the DHT. The examiners
were residents training in Otolaryngology. The standard DHT was
performed in a room routinely used for such tests. The appropriate
position was defined as the patient's occiput lying on the edge of the
couch with appropriate neck extension in a supine position, with the
head turned to the tested ear. °á°ú:There were 60 subjects and 12 examiners. Each examiner performed the DHT on 5 subjects. The subjects had an average age of 37.8 ¡¾ 15.0 years (18-83) and an average BMI of 22.5 ¡¾ 3.6 kg/m2 (16.2-31.1). The female-to-male ratio was 31:29 (51.7% - 48.3%). Examiners had an average of 2.67 ¡¾ 1.07 years of experience in performing the DHT (1-4). Seven (58.3%) were female, and 5 (41.7%) were male.
The percentage of the appropriate position with the use of the bedsheet was 65%, compared to 18% without its use. The proportion of the appropriate position with and without the use of the bedsheet showed a significant difference, with a p-value <0.001 (McNemar¡¯s chi-square test). The average satisfaction scores (0 to 10) with and without the use of the bedsheet were as follows: 1) for the subjects, 9.0¡¾0.9 (8.7-9.2) and 6.9¡¾1.0 (6.6-7.1), respectively, with a p-value <0.001; 2) for the examiners, 9.3¡¾0.8 (9.1-9.5) and 7.17¡¾0.90 (6.9-7.4), respectively, with a p-value <0.001 (paired t-test).
°á·Ð:The use of the bedsheet resulted in a higher proportion of the
appropriate position during the DHT and increased satisfaction among
volunteers and examiners compared to not using the bedsheet.
Therefore, the CMU color-bar bedsheet is recommended for assisting the
DHT. Modification of this bedsheet prototype should be considered to
improve the percentage of the appropriate position during the DHT. |