¸ñÀû: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a multisystem disease that can
the auditory and vestibular systems due to chronic intermittent
hypoxia and recurrent oxygen desaturation. Tinnitus becomes
in quiet environments, and many patients with tinnitus report
disturbances. Conversely, sleep disorders can be considered a
potential underlying cause of tinnitus. Recent studies have shown
the risk of tinnitus was found to be significantly higher in
with OSA than in those without OSA. Therefore, we analyzed
treatment of OSA could contribute to alleviating tinnitus in
with OSA and tinnitus. ¹æ¹ý:We enrolled a total of 40 patients with both tinnitus and OSA who
visited ENT Clinic from October 2019 to December 2022.
underwent hearing tests and polysomnography. Their age ranged
from 38 to
75 years old, with an average of 55.5 years. Nine patients
surgery (septoturbinoplasty ¡¾ soft palate reduction with
radiofrequency), 15 received positive airway pressure (PAP)
and the remaining 16 received medical treatment (intranasal
spray and nasal irrigation). We assessed tinnitus discomfort
using the
Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) and visual analogue scale (VAS)
and after 3 months of OSA treatment. °á°ú:Out of 40 patients, 24 (60%) experienced an improvement in tinnitus, 8
(20%) showed no interval change, and 8 (20%) reported worsened tinnitus
after OSA treatment. Within the surgery group, 6 patients (66.6%) showed
improved tinnitus, while 8 (53.3%) and 10 (62.5%) patients in the PAP
and medication groups, respectively, experienced improvement. The
average THI before OSA treatment was 28.2, decreasing to 21.6 and 21.1
after 1 and 3 months of OSA treatment, respectively. The mean apnea-
hypopnea index was higher in the tinnitus worsening group (36.25¡¾25.17)
compared to the tinnitus improvement group (32.19¡¾20.5). °á·Ð:This study is significant as it is the first to suggest that OSA
treatment may reduce tinnitus symptoms in OSA patients with
tinnitus. We are currently conducting a subgroup analysis based
on the
severity of sleep apnea and duration of symptoms. We anticipate
this study will contribute to a deeper understanding of tinnitus
OSA. Given the close association between tinnitus and OSA,
should be given to tinnitus and hearing evaluations in patients
OSA. |