¸ñÀû: There have been many changes in the incidence, diagnosis and treatment
of otologic diseases worldwide. There are various factors which affect
the incidence rate of disease involving environmental and social
factors. We aimed to analyze the clinical trend regarding the
incidence of otologic diseases in Asan Medical Center, the biggest
tertiary referral center in South Korea, over the past 20 years
involving the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic period
(from December 2019 to May 2023). ¹æ¹ý:We retrospectively reviewed the number of patients newly diagnosed as
sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) or Bell¡¯s palsy at outpatient
clinic and patients who underwent ventilation tube insertion due to
persistent otitis media with effusion (OME), preauricular fistulectomy
due to recurrent infection of preauricular fistula, or
tympanomastoidectomy due to chronic otitis media (COM) from January 2004
to December 2023 in Asan Medical Center. We analyzed overall trends
(increase or decrease) of otologic diseases and also looked into COVID-
19 pandemic period under social isolation. °á°ú:Patients newly diagnosed as SSNHL increased over 20 years and there
was a rapid increase of SSNHL patients after outbreak of COVID-19
pandemic (667 patients in 2019, 676 patients in 2020, 928 patients in
2021, 1176 patients in 2022, and 1233 patients in 2023). Regarding
ventilation tube insertion, the incidence of OME showed a tendency to
decrease following the COVID-19 outbreak but recovered in 2023, the
year of declaring end to COVID-19 pandemic (611 patients in 2019, 400
patients in 2020, 354 patients in 2021, 376 patients in 2022, and 546
patients in 2023). Tympanopmastoidectomy due to COM showed a tendency
to keep decreasing in 2010-2020s than 2000s. There were no noticeable
changes in the incidence of Bell¡¯s palsy and number of patients who
underwent preauricular fistulectomy involving the pandemic period. °á·Ð:When we analyzed the clinical trend of the incidence of otologic
diseases in a single institution over time, there was a noticeable
decrease in OME and significant increase in SSNHL during the COVID-19
period. COM which required tympanomastoidectomy kept decreasing
gradually. The effects of social changes (lockdown, continuous use of
facial masks, social distancing, and reduction of social activities)
seem to affect decrease in incidence of OME by reducing chances of
other bacterial/viral infection and immunity gain. Although
pathophysiology is unknown and causative link lacks, COVID-19 may be a
potential related factor regarding rapid increase of SSNHL in 2020s. |