This patient is a 34-year-old female who visited the hospital on
2023.07.14 with a complaint of decreased hearing on the right side that
started 10 days prior to the hospital visit, with no significant medical
history. The patient reported that sounds in the right ear are perceived
to be about 50% softer than usual. Additionally, she mentioned
experiencing tinnitus resembling the sound of wind and a feeling of
fullness in the ear. The patient also complained of brief episodes of
mild dizziness. Audiometric testing conducted at our clinic revealed a
diagnosis of sudden sensorineural hearing loss on the right side with
results of 48/38 92 and 5/4 100. Vestibular function testing showed mild
left nystagmus during the Posterior Head Shaking Test, Dix-Hallpike
Test, and Supine Head Roll Test. Following the Fisher regimen, oral
steroids were prescribed, and steroid injections were administered into
the right inner ear four times over a period of two weeks. To rule out
hearing loss due to lesions within the brain, a Brain MRI was performed,
and the results indicated no significant abnormalities.
The patient, undergoing treatment for sudden sensorineural hearing loss
in the right ear, experienced the onset of low-frequency hearing loss in
the left ear during the course of therapy. Subsequent monitoring
indicated that the sudden sensorineural hearing loss in the right ear
was being maintained without significant improvement, while the low-
frequency hearing loss in the left ear recurred after an initial
improvement. Therefore, our plan is to conduct a follow-up audiometric
test three months later. If there is no improvement in hearing, we will
recommend hearing aid usage for the right-sided sudden sensorineural
hearing loss. |