Objective: To present and discuss a case of a 60/F who came in due to
unilateral nasal obstruction caused by Pleomorphic Adenoma of the nasal
Design: Case Report
Setting: Tertiary Government Teaching Hospital
Patient: One, selected via convenience sampling based on final
Result: A 60 year old female came in for consult due to 4 year history
of unilateral nasal obstruction associated with occasional epistaxis on
the right nasal cavity, CT scan of the paranasal sinuses was requested
and punch biopsy was done revealing the mass to be sinonasal papilloma
with chronic inflammation and hemorrhage. Patient underwent Endoscopic
Sinus Surgery with Excision of Nasal Mass with Radiofrequency
Turbinoplasty. Final histopathologic findings revealed the mass to be a
Pleomorphic Adenoma.
Conclusion: Pleomorphic adenoma is a common benign tumor of large and
small salivary glands. It mainly occurs in the parotid gland, minor
salivary glands, small salivary glands in the oral cavity however it is
rare in the nasal septum.
Keywords: Pleomorphic adenoma, Intranasal Mass