¸ñÀû: To be able to assess the applicability of the Facial Golden
in relation to the subjective of perception of beauty among
Filipinos ¹æ¹ý:This is a Prospective cross sectional analytical study done in
Manila, Philippines. A total of 280 respondents comprised the study
(Female = 193, Male = 92) by convenience sampling. 10 males and 10
females of 18-34 years of age, with reasonably pleasing faces with
balance of dentofacial structures, comprised the study group.
°á°ú:The closest difference from the Golden Proportion in both male and
female models is at -0.21. One-way ANOVA was used for statistical
analysis, showing a significant difference in the scores of the
subjects, without considering the populations age and sex, and there
were multiple overlaps within the scores of the subjects which are not
significantly different from each other °á·Ð:The Golden Proportion does not apply on the perception of beauty
Filipinos. Moreover, the aesthetic unit that Filipinos consider
the most
in their perception of beauty is a person's eyes |