Objectives: To report a case of a Peripheral Ameloblastoma in a 36-year-old male.
Methods: Case and Document Analysis
Design: Case Report
Setting: Tertiary Training Hospital
Subject: One
Result: A 36-year-old male presents with 10-year history developing an ulcerative buccal-
mandibular mass, left, originating from an abrasion on buccal area, left caused brushing his
teeth. Two histopathological examinations, years apart revealed ameloblastoma.
Conclusion: This is a case of a 36year-old male afflicted with peripheral ameloblastoma
accompanied by a possible neoplastic osseous invasion which has originated in the buccal
mucosa. Early detection and complete excision with clear margins are the mainstays of
treatment and could have prevented the disease from reaching this state, when it is destructive
enough to disfigure the patient and alter the function of his jaw and cheeks.