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¹ßÇ¥Çü½Ä : Á¢¼ö¹øÈ£ - 890525    OTOP-24 
Optimal Method of Connection for Transmitting the Vibration Energy to the Coupled Piezoelectric Acoustic Nanosensor
Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, Seoul National Univ. College of Medicine©ö, Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, Wonkwang Univ. College of Medicine©÷, Dept. of Nature-Inspired Nanoconvergence System, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials©ø
Juyong CHUNG, Juyong CHUNG12, Youngdo JUNG3, Shin HUR3, Wan Doo KIM3, Seung-Ha OH
¸ñÀû: ABM (artificial basilar membrane) is an inorganic-based piezoelectric acoustic nanosensor mimicking the functions of the original human hair cells. In order to operate the ABM, vibrational motion of the middle-ear ossicles should be used as a source of acoustic energy. This method can eliminate the need for a subcutaneous microphone, which is susceptible to interference by ambient noises. ¹æ¹ý:Sound stimuli were applied to the external auditory canal of cadaver. The tube type or rod type connector coupled with ossicles to a piezoelectric membrane implanted in the mastoid cavity were then tested its efficacy of energy transmission by measuring the voltage output from ABM. The type of connector or the content (air or water) in tube type were the variables to be compared. °á°ú: In rod type connector, there was no frequency selectivity of the voltage output from ABM and the electrical output is less than 4¥ìV. However, in tube type connector coupled to the umbo, ABM successfully separated low frequency at the base and high frequency at the apex from incoming sound stimuli. The output voltage was approximately 120 at 750Hz, 3.4 at 1750Hz and 1.3 at 4000Hz. °á·Ð:Tube type of connector coupled to the umbo is the best option for piezoelectric acoustic nanosensor in transmitting the vibrational energy of ossicles.
