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¹ßÇ¥Çü½Ä : Æ÷½ºÅÍ(Àü½Ã) Á¢¼ö¹øÈ£ - 890520    RHPX-02 
Navigation-assisted Osteoplastic Flap Surgery of the Frontal Sinus Combined with Foreheadplasty
Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, College of Medicine, Catholic Univ. of Korea
Jungjoo HAN, Joohyung LEE, Jungjoo HAN, Changyoung CHUNG, Dongchang LEE,
Traditional treatment option of inverted papilloma of the frontal sinus has been osteoplastic flap surgery using 6-feet Caldwell radiograph template. Evolution of Navigation systems in sinus desease enables more convenient, accurate and direct feed-back approach to the frontal sinus in performing removal of tumors in frontal sinus. In addition to the therapeutic surgery, ability to perform aesthetic surgery is one of the merits of otolaryngology-facial plastic surgeons. In this case we did operation navigation-assisted osteoplastic flap surgery and foreheadplasty as a rejuvenation surgery concomitantly resulting in making therapeutic and aesthetic goals.
