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¹ßÇ¥Çü½Ä : Æ÷½ºÅÍ(Àü½Ã) Á¢¼ö¹øÈ£ - 890341    OTPX-20 
Bonebridge Implantation in a Patient with Previous Canal Wall down Mastoidectomy
Dept. Otolaryngolgy-Head and Neck Surgery, The Catholic Univ. of Korea
Jeong-Hoon OH, Jeong-Hoon OH, Young Hun CHOUNG, So Young PARK, Sang Won YEO
A semi-implantable bone conduction device (BCD), the Bonebridge¢â system (Med-El, Innsbruck, Austria) is a treatment option for patients with conductive or combined hearing loss as an alternative to conventional surgery. In this active transcutaneous direct-drive BCD, the transducer with diameter 15.8 mm and height 8.7 mm is implanted under intact skin and hence the vibrations are transmitted from the transducer directly to the skull bone. Therefore, the big size of the Bonebridge¢â implant can be a challenge, especially in patients with a radically mastoidectomized cavity. In those cases, the site for implantation could be retrosigmoidal but a consequence is that the dura is exposed and possibly pushed down to fit the implant. MED-EL has recently released a Lifter system by which the whole implant is moved outwards from the skull bone, thus lifting the skin in that area in order for the implant to fit the mastoid cavity. We report a successful Bonebridge¢â implantation over the sigmoid sinus using the Lifter system in a patient with conductive hearing loss due to the previous canal wall down mastoidectomy.
