Purpose:The purpose of this study is to develop corking time record charts so as to ameliorate patient-doctors,nurses communication, standardize the decannulation process and boost nursing efficiency by reducing airway complications.Method:A: September 1, 2014 - September 11, 2014: Developed the first draft of the corking record chart and developed, modified and supplemented the measurement tool.B: September 9, 2014 - November 3, 2014: Analyzed review the medical records of 15 tracheostomized patients.Results:Medical staffs' satisfaction in communication,reduced time to decannulation, and reduced airway-related complications. The results indicated:(1)The time to decannulation was reduced by 13.2 hours.(2)Airway-related complications were reduced by 12.6%.(3)The medical staff showed a very high satisfaction with using the corking record charts (average 4.04).Conclusion:Corking training, the overall decannulation process should be improved so that other interventions to decreased complications such as pneumonia and atelectasis can concurrently be conducted during decannulation. Therefore, we also suggest the use of pre-decannulation checklist.